ImpEx provides a command-line tool to interact with the ImpEx plugin remotely using WordPress HTTP REST API.

Using this tool you can import and export data from and to a remote WordPress installation.

impex-cli works also fine at most managed WordPress installations since it does not need direct WordPress access like wp-cli.


ImpEx CLI requires PHP 7.4 or higher and the php-curl extension.


ImpEx CLI is available at the ImpEx release page.

Download the 'ImpEx CLI' archive and extract its contents.

The ImpEx CLI is provided in 2 flavors :

  • impex-cli.php needs at least PHP 8.0

  • impex-cli-php7.4.0.php is transpiled to be PHP 7.4 compatible

Linux/MacOS Users may mark the impex-cli files as executable by running chmod +x *.php for better usability.

If you do not have the right PHP version installed on your machine but want to play with the ImpEx CLI you can give the official PHP Docker image a try (Assuming your working dir contains the extracted impex-cli php files and impex-cli options needs to be adjusted to your needs) :

Using the official PHP 7.4 Docker image :

docker run \
  -it \
  --network host \
  --rm \
  -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp \
  --workdir /usr/src/myapp \
  php:7.4-cli \
  php \
  impex-cli-php7.4.0.php \
    export-profile \
    list \
    -username=<adminuser> \
    -password=<password> \

Alternatively using the PHP 8.0 image:

docker run \
  -it \
  --network host \
  --rm \
  -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp \
  --workdir /usr/src/myapp \
  php:8.0-cli \
  php \
    impex-cli.php \
    export-profile \
    list \
    -username=<adminuser> \
    -password=<password> \


impex-cli.php operation sub-operation? -rest-url=[wordpress-restapi-url] [options] [arguments]?

Common options and flags

Some of the impex-cli options are common to all operations.


Options are command-line arguments consisting of key and value.

The value can be wrapped within " or '.


The rest-url option as always required for all impex-cli operations (except help) since it specifies the remote WordPress installation to interact with.

A typical rest-url value in a wp-env development environment is

Please ensure that the remote WordPress installation has the REST API enabled. Otherwise impex-cli is unable to communicate with the installation.

username and password

If you can access your WordPress installation using username and password credentials via HTTP Basic Auth, you can use the --username and --password options to specify them.


impex-cli.php export-profile \
  -username=<adminuser> \
  -password='<password>' \

By providing the credentials via username and password options impex-cli will authenticate against the remote WordPress installation using the HTTP BASIC AUTH method.

HTTP Headers

You can provide as many HTTP headers as you like to impex-cli. All HTTP headers are passed to every request as is.


impex-cli.php export-profile \
  -H="X-foo=bar" \
  -H="X-myrealm=cheers" \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \


Flags are command-line arguments consisting of just a name.


Enable verbose log output.


impex-cli.php export-profile \
  -verbose \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \


Enable verbose CURL output.

This flag will result in a lot of output and is therefore not recommended for normal use.


impex-cli.php export-profile \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \


If your WordPress installation does not use HTTP Basic Auth, you need to authenticate using HTTP headers.

Since impex-cli supports additional header options you're a lucky winner.

Example (doing HTTP Basic Auth using plain HTTP headers):

impex-cli.php export-profile \
  -H='Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \



The export operation exports and downloads data using the ImpEx plugin of the WordPress installation.

A ImpEx export results in a directory structure containing

  • JSON Files for structured data

    WordPress content will be stored in plain JSON files called slices. This gives you also the option to transform the content locally before re-importing them somewhere else.

  • Blobs for attachments/media

    Attachments and media will be saved "as is" to the local filesystem. So if you have a jpg attachment in your WordPress installation it gets exported also as a jpg file beside its slice.


impex-cli.php export \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \
  -rest-url=http://localhost:8888/wp-json \
  -overwrite \
  -profile=base \

After execution the target directory contains a new directory with the exported data:

├── chunk-0001
│   ├── slice-0000.json
│   ├── slice-0001.json
│   ├── slice-0001-logo-fabrics.png
│   ├── slice-0002-johny-goerend-ou-GkKJm3fc-unsplash.jpg
│   ├── slice-0002.json
│   └── slice-0003.json
├── chunk-0006
│   ├── slice-0000.json
│   ├── slice-0001.json
│   ├── slice-0002.json
│   ├── slice-0003.json
│   ├── slice-0004.json
│   ├── slice-0005.json
│   ├── slice-0006.json
│   ├── slice-0007.json
│   ├── slice-0008.json
│   └── slice-0009.json
└── chunk-0007
    ├── slice-0000.json
    └── slice-0001.json

All export data files are split over chunk-* directories) to prevent getting a single directory containing too much files slowing down file managers like Windows Explorer.

profile option

An ImpEx export profile defines what data should be exported.

To get a list of available ImpEx export profiles see impex-cli operation export-profiles

You will usually use the predefined 'base' export profile exporting pages/posts/attachments and all FSE data like templates/reusable blocks and stuff.

overwrite flag

The export operation will abort in case of an existing ImpEx export directory. Using the overwrite flag you can force deletion of the existing directory before export.

directory argument

The directory argument specifies the export target directory. The export operation will create a top-level directory in the specified directory and stores everything else in chunk subdirectories.


The import operation imports an ImpEx export from the specified directory into the remote WordPress installation.

Example usage:

impex-cli.php import \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \
  -rest-url=http://localhost:8888/wp-json \
  -options='{"impex-import-option-cleanup_contents" : true}'

This snippet will

  • upload the whole exported data in the directory
  • import them using the all profile at the WordPress installation.
    • the impex-import-option-cleanup_contents option will cleanup existing post, page, media, block pattern, nav_menu and reusable block items right before starting the import.

profile option

An ImpEx import profile defines what data should be imported. If not provided, the import will fallback to default import profile all.

To get a list of available ImpEx import profiles see impex-cli operation import-profiles

directory argument

The directory argument specifies the directory where the import data resides.

The directory argument takes the directory path created by the export operation.

options argument

The options argument let's you provide ImpEx import options. The options value is expected to be an associative JSON object.

Valid options are :

  • impex-import-option-cleanup_contents

    You may want to cleanup your WordPress content right before import. That's what the impex-import-option-cleanup_contents option is made for. If this option is set to true ImpEx will remove any

    • post
    • page
    • media
    • block pattern
    • nav_menu
    • reusable block

    item right before starting the import.



Lists all available export profiles in JSON format.

Example usage:

impex-cli.php \
  export-profile \
  list \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \

Example output (may vary for your installation):

    "name": "base",
    "description": "Exports posts/pages including media assets"
    "name": "cm4all-wordpress",
    "description": "Exports posts/pages/media-assets and plugin data of [cm4all-wordpress,complianz-gdpr,ninja-forms,ultimate-maps-by-supsystic] if these plugins are enabled"
    "name": "impex-export-profile-example",
    "description": "Exports posts/pages/media-assets and plugin data of [cm4all-wordpress,complianz-gdpr,ninja-forms,ultimate-maps-by-supsystic] if these plugins are enabled"



Lists all available import profiles in JSON format.

Example usage:

impex-cli.php \
  import-profile \
  list \
  -username=<adminuser> -password='<password>' \

Example output (may vary for your installation):

    "name": "all",
    "description": "Import everything"
    "name": "impex-import-profile-example",
    "description": "Import everything example with event listener"


Prints the impex-cli help.